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These ceramic tiles are all our own original art designs which our family has been creating for over 30 years. Each art tile is individually hand painted then "fired" in our kiln to 1800 degrees until the vivid, jewel-like colors emerge for you to enjoy as a painting or as a useful hot plate.  We pride ourselves on our attention to detail with added color nuances that make each tile special.


California Missions Collection

Shop our collection of over 20 different California Mission hand-painted tiles.

Sea Life Collection

Sea Life Collection

Shop our collection of over 30 different hand painted Sea Life tiles.

Dog Collection

Dog Collection

Shop our collection of over 20 different Dog Collectors Tiles.

Nature & Wildlife Collection

Nature & Wildlife Collection

Shop our collection of over 30 different Nature & Wildlife hand painted art tiles.

San Luis Obispo Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Beluga Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
Garibaldi Fish and Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
Jellyfish Scene - Hand Painted Art Tile
Chickadee Mural small
Santa Clara Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Rianbow Trout -Hand Painted Ceramic Tile
Santa Barbara Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
San Diego Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Snowy Owl - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile
Sonoma Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Meditteranean Scene - Hand Painted Art Tile Mosaic
Black & White Cat - Hand Painted Art Tile
Flying Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile
Carmel Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile

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  • Sun - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Sun - Hand Painted Art Tile


    During the Renaissance a distinct style of art developed in Italy which reflected parallel developments in science including a new theory that the earth may revolve around the Sun. Artisans became more focused on the human form as well. This Renaissance- era sun design was used as a base for sundials and portrayed in Renaissance era- paintings and in early astrological books.

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  • Howling Wolf

    Howling Wolf


    ALL TILES: *Can be hung on the wall as a painting or used for installation... *Can be used as a hot plate as the tiles are "fired" to 1800o F in our kiln *150 designs to choose from - all tiles are 6"x 6" *Are individually hand painted in the USA and are my own original designs so each tile is unique

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  • Grey Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Grey Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile


    The Grey whale is a Baleen whale that feeds on small crustaceans on the bottom of the sea. He has 2 blowholes which create a unique V-shaped “blow”. Each October the Grey whales make a most amazing annual migration of 7000 miles one way from his feeding grounds in the Bering Straight to the tropical seas of Mexico where the females give birth. I have seen Grey whales in the famous Scammons Lagoon in Baja where they came right up to our small Mexican“ponga” boat and we could actually touch them. It is in this warm water lagoon where the mother’s give birth. I have portrayed my grey whale with a newborn calf close beside her.

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  • Panda Bears - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Panda Bears - Hand Painted Art Tile


    There is nothing more lovable looking than the Giant Panda Bears. They live in very remote mountainous regions of Western China up in the Himalayas and very little is known about them. These plumpish, clumsy bears live almost entirely off of bamboo. They are an Endangered Species and there are only about 2500 of them left. In fact they are the representatives of all Endangered Species and are the symbol for the World Wildlife Fund.

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  • The Alamo Mission in San Antonio Texas

    The Alamo Mission in San Antonio Texas


    This is the famous Mission known as the "The Alamo" where the famous Texas battle for independence was fought in 1836.

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  • Ladybug - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Ladybug - Hand Painted Art Tile


    I just think that Lady bugs are the cutest little bug there is – nothing icky at all about them and I love their beautiful “shell” color. They are like a little red jewel twinkling in the garden and besides that they eat aphids and bad buggies that hurt the plants! My sweet little lady bug tile has a beautiful red color too!

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  • Garibaldi Fish and Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Garibaldi Fish and Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Now I have seen these little guys up close and personal in the kelp beds off of Catalina Island. They look like a giant Goldfish and their babies have these beautiful iridescent blue spots which fade away as they get older. They live off the coast of Southern California and Baja and are the official state Fish of California and are protected.

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  • Polar Bear - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Polar Bear - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Actually I must give credit to my son, Jeremy for this polar bear’s design. He drew this bear in class during high school as a proto-type for one he would be eventually carving out of soap stone. It was such a playful yet elegant design that I “borrowed” it from him. After all this is a family business and we all chip in! Due to climatic changes in the ice patterns up North the polar bear is currently listed as a threatened species.

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  • Quail - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Quail - Hand Painted Art Tile


    These Gambel quail are always running at high speed across our dirt road to their hiding place in our prickly blackberry bushes when we pass by. I love seeing them in the Spring when Mama quail and her tiny little flock of baby chicks are following her single file across the road. Their feet move so fast that they become a blur as they speed by! I livened up the design by adding some red Poppies in the background.

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  • Snowy Owl - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile

    Snowy Owl - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile


    Snowy Owl perched on a tree branch at night with the moon illuminated behind. Beautiful blue and green ethereal coloring.

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  • Rooster Head - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Rooster Head - Hand Painted Art Tile


    I was looking through an antique, 19th century German art book of Black and White lithographs of various subject matters and objects that an artist might use in his endeavors. I came across this Rooster head image. We had a mean ornery rooster in our back yard for me to check out the colors and textures of his bright red waddle and golden eyes and feather colors.

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  • Monarch Butterfly - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Monarch Butterfly - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Doesn’t everyone have some of these little orange beauties fluttering around their gardens in the summertime? I discovered they fly southward from Canada down to California taking advantage of the “thermal “warm air currents that help transport them down here in only 3 days. They follow their source of food the milkweed plants where they also lay their eggs. In Spring they migrate back up North again – the only insects to make both a North and South migration. I enjoy the varied colors and markings on their wings and their overall graceful and delicate design.

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  • Frogs - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Frogs - Hand Painted Art Tile


    When I was traveling in Costa Rica I actually got to see some of these endangered frogs and I just loved their built-in tropical color schemes. They are wet little animals who live in the Rain Forest so I drew them dancing in the rain!

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  • Wine and Cheese - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Wine and Cheese - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Dating back to the 18th century, Spanish Missionaries planted the first vineyards along with each Mission established to produce wine for Church ceremonies and for daily life. The original cuttings came from Mexico and were the descendants of the “common black grape” which was brought to the New World by Herman Cortez in 1520. California accounts for 90% of American wine production. I live down the street from a small “boutique” vineyard on only 10 acres. I have helped pick grapes during their Fall harvest and afterwards they have a wonderful outdoor dinner to celebrate. I added a loaf of bread and some cheese to my outdoorsy wine design. Cheers!

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  • Sahuaro Cactus

    Sahuaro Cactus


    I lived in Tucson Arizona for many years and these magnificent tree-sized plants add a supernatural quality to the already "other worldly" landscape there. They are especially awesome to see at night when the moon casts shadows of them onto the desert floor.

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  • Trigger Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Trigger Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Trigger Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile

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  • Father Serra - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Father Serra - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Father Serra - Hand Painted Art Tile

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