Search results for 'baby'
Penguin & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95The Emperor Penguins are the tallest and heaviest of all penguins (4 foot tall and 50 -99 lbs). They are the only penguin who breeds during the Antarctic Winter. They trek up to 75 miles over ice to mate and feed their offspring. They withstand temperatures of -40o F and winds of 89mph. The male incubates the sole egg for two months straight without eating anything @ all while the female returns to the sea to feed. Both the male and female lose 60% of their body weight while raising their offspring. Their fuzzy chick is covered with silvery grey down feathers to keep him cozy!
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Quail - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95These Gambel quail are always running at high speed across our dirt road to their hiding place in our prickly blackberry bushes when we pass by. I love seeing them in the Spring when Mama quail and her tiny little flock of baby chicks are following her single file across the road. Their feet move so fast that they become a blur as they speed by! I livened up the design by adding some red Poppies in the background.
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Humpback Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Found in almost every ocean the Humpback whale migrates 16,000 miles each year from their Polar feeding grounds down to tropical waters where they breed and give birth. They feed only in Summer and fast all Winter long living off their fat reserves. The male produces a complex song lasting 10 – 20 minutes and is repeated for hours at a time. I have seen Humpbacks off the coast of Hawaii, Mexico and California. I am always so impressed by their sheer size and magnificence. Over-hunted their population fell by 90% until a 1966 moratorium was introduced. They are slowly coming back. My humpback has her calf swimming alongside her.
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Garibaldi Fish and Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Now I have seen these little guys up close and personal in the kelp beds off of Catalina Island. They look like a giant Goldfish and their babies have these beautiful iridescent blue spots which fade away as they get older. They live off the coast of Southern California and Baja and are the official state Fish of California and are protected.
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Grey Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95The Grey whale is a Baleen whale that feeds on small crustaceans on the bottom of the sea. He has 2 blowholes which create a unique V-shaped “blow”. Each October the Grey whales make a most amazing annual migration of 7000 miles one way from his feeding grounds in the Bering Straight to the tropical seas of Mexico where the females give birth. I have seen Grey whales in the famous Scammons Lagoon in Baja where they came right up to our small Mexican“ponga” boat and we could actually touch them. It is in this warm water lagoon where the mother’s give birth. I have portrayed my grey whale with a newborn calf close beside her.
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Beluga Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Beluga Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
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Horse & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Horse & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
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