Search results for 'the westerners'
San Juan Capistrano Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Mission San Juan Capistrano was a Spanish mission in Southern California, located in present-day San Juan Capistrano. It was founded on All Saints Day November 1, 1776, by Spanish Catholics of the Franciscan Order. Named for Giovanni da Capistrano, a 15th century theologian and "warrior priest" who resided in the Abruzzo region of Italy, San Juan Capistrano has the distinction of being home to the oldest building in California still in use, a chapel built in 1782.
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Siamese Cat - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Siamese Cat - Picture above is my Siamese cat but I have the same design done as a solid White cat or a solid Black cat (see thumbnail photos) Please specify your color choice. Cats, cats , cats – you can’t get enough of them. Delicate and soft these furry felines are so sweet- looking taking a “cat nap” on the wood floor with a flowered wall paper pattern behind them.
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Monarch Butterfly - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Doesn’t everyone have some of these little orange beauties fluttering around their gardens in the summertime? I discovered they fly southward from Canada down to California taking advantage of the “thermal “warm air currents that help transport them down here in only 3 days. They follow their source of food the milkweed plants where they also lay their eggs. In Spring they migrate back up North again – the only insects to make both a North and South migration. I enjoy the varied colors and markings on their wings and their overall graceful and delicate design.
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Swallowtail Butterfly - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95What I learned about Swallowtails is that they love my Butterfly Bushes I have in my garden. Also known as Buddleia bushes, they grow like a weed and have beautiful lavender colored bottle-brush like blooms. So of course I put my Swallowtail Butterfly atop a lavender Butterfly Bush in bloom.
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Leafy Sea Dragon - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Leafy Sea Dragon - Hand Painted Art Tile
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Lighthouse - Jupiter Inlet - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Lighthouse - Jupiter Inlet - Hand Painted Art Tile
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