Search results for 'sea turtle'
Sea Turtle - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95On my fist visit to Hawaii I was snorkeling and came upon a green sea turtle skimming gracefully and fast over the sandy white bottom. I tried to swim fast and see if I could touch him but he was a better swimmer than me. I was so inspired that when I came home I created this Green Sea Turtle tile in memory of him.
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Mermaid - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95These mythological aquatic creatures have a human head with the torso of a woman and the tail of a fish. Derived from the old English word for sea (mer) and for a woman (maid) these legendary sirens of the sea are known to sing to sailors to enchant them. They are widely represented in literature and folklore and remain popular in our culture today. I perched my little blonde mermaid on a rock overlooking the sea.
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Penguin & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95The Emperor Penguins are the tallest and heaviest of all penguins (4 foot tall and 50 -99 lbs). They are the only penguin who breeds during the Antarctic Winter. They trek up to 75 miles over ice to mate and feed their offspring. They withstand temperatures of -40o F and winds of 89mph. The male incubates the sole egg for two months straight without eating anything @ all while the female returns to the sea to feed. Both the male and female lose 60% of their body weight while raising their offspring. Their fuzzy chick is covered with silvery grey down feathers to keep him cozy!
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Chili Pepper - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Living in Arizona for over a decade we used to travel to Santa Fe New, Mexico during Fall – the harvest season for their magnificent red chili peppers. They have five foot long “ristras” of these large red chili pods hanging down under their adobe- arched doorways. So we took some home and they became the basis for this vibrant red “Chili” tile design.
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Sea Otter and Pup - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Now I have first- hand experience with these guys! Along the California coast near Monterey I was able to put in my kayak and paddle amongst the kelp beds and saw several pods of sea otters floating atop the water. Some of them even had little pups on top of their stomachs as they floated on their backs in the water. They like to entangle themselves in the kelp beds to help anchor them. I saw and heard one of them using a rock to hit a mussel in order to open and eat it. They are considered an endangered species and have a very limited habitat.
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Grey Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95The Grey whale is a Baleen whale that feeds on small crustaceans on the bottom of the sea. He has 2 blowholes which create a unique V-shaped “blow”. Each October the Grey whales make a most amazing annual migration of 7000 miles one way from his feeding grounds in the Bering Straight to the tropical seas of Mexico where the females give birth. I have seen Grey whales in the famous Scammons Lagoon in Baja where they came right up to our small Mexican“ponga” boat and we could actually touch them. It is in this warm water lagoon where the mother’s give birth. I have portrayed my grey whale with a newborn calf close beside her.
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Sea Plane - Grumman Goose - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Sea Plane - Grumman Goose - Hand Painted Art Tile
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Sea Lions - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Sea Lions - Hand Painted Art Tile
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Leafy Sea Dragon - Hand Painted Art Tile
$47.95Leafy Sea Dragon - Hand Painted Art Tile
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Address Plaque Custom Continuous Design Bear and Cub
$250.00Address Plaque Custom Tiles framed in Redwood
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