Pacific Blue Tile | Original Hand Painted Ceramic Tiles

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These ceramic tiles are all our own original art designs which our family has been creating for over 30 years. Each art tile is individually hand painted then "fired" in our kiln to 1800 degrees until the vivid, jewel-like colors emerge for you to enjoy as a painting or as a useful hot plate.  We pride ourselves on our attention to detail with added color nuances that make each tile special.


California Missions Collection

Shop our collection of over 20 different California Mission hand-painted tiles.

Sea Life Collection

Sea Life Collection

Shop our collection of over 30 different hand painted Sea Life tiles.

Dog Collection

Dog Collection

Shop our collection of over 20 different Dog Collectors Tiles.

Nature & Wildlife Collection

Nature & Wildlife Collection

Shop our collection of over 30 different Nature & Wildlife hand painted art tiles.

San Luis Obispo Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Beluga Whale & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
Garibaldi Fish and Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile
Jellyfish Scene - Hand Painted Art Tile
Chickadee Mural small
Santa Clara Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
San Diego Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Rianbow Trout -Hand Painted Ceramic Tile
Sonoma Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Santa Barbara Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
Snowy Owl - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile
Meditteranean Scene - Hand Painted Art Tile Mosaic
Black & White Cat - Hand Painted Art Tile
Flying Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile
Carmel Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile

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  • Kitties  Dancing in the Rain - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile

    Kitties Dancing in the Rain - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile


    This is a whimsical vintage picture of 2 kitties dancing in the rain. I just created it last month and really love the colors and joy it conveys.

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  • San Luis Rey de Francia Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile

    San Luis Rey de Francia Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, also known as Mission San Luis Rey or San Luis Rey Mission Church, was founded on June 13, 1798 in coastal Las Californias, in the present day U.S. city of Oceanside in California. The local Quechnajuichom Native American tribe became known as the Luiseño 'Mission Indians', after the Mission's 'Luis'. The current church, built in 1811 is the third church on this location. It is a National Historic Landmark, for its pristine example of a Spanish Mission Church complex.

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  • The Alamo Mission in San Antonio Texas

    The Alamo Mission in San Antonio Texas


    This is the famous Mission known as the "The Alamo" where the famous Texas battle for independence was fought in 1836.

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  • Quail - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Quail - Hand Painted Art Tile


    These Gambel quail are always running at high speed across our dirt road to their hiding place in our prickly blackberry bushes when we pass by. I love seeing them in the Spring when Mama quail and her tiny little flock of baby chicks are following her single file across the road. Their feet move so fast that they become a blur as they speed by! I livened up the design by adding some red Poppies in the background.

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  • San Juan Bautista Mission - Hand Painted Art Tile
  • Dragonfly - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Dragonfly - Hand Painted Art Tile


    We live on 5 acres with a large pond with an island in it. Every summer there are hundreds of iridescent dragonflies that swoop down to the pond and land on the cattails. I would just go right up to them and take a good look at their most magnificent intricately webbed wings. I feel I have captured their elegance and translucent color scheme in this tile design, one of my favorites.

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  • Half Dome

    Half Dome


    Half Dome ALL TILES: *Can be hung on the wall as a painting or used for installation... *Can be used as a hot plate as the tiles are "fired" to 1800o F in our kiln *150 designs to choose from - all tiles are 6"x 6" *Are individually hand painted in the USA and are my own original designs so each tile is unique

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  • Howling Wolf

    Howling Wolf


    ALL TILES: *Can be hung on the wall as a painting or used for installation... *Can be used as a hot plate as the tiles are "fired" to 1800o F in our kiln *150 designs to choose from - all tiles are 6"x 6" *Are individually hand painted in the USA and are my own original designs so each tile is unique

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  • Wine and Cheese - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Wine and Cheese - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Dating back to the 18th century, Spanish Missionaries planted the first vineyards along with each Mission established to produce wine for Church ceremonies and for daily life. The original cuttings came from Mexico and were the descendants of the “common black grape” which was brought to the New World by Herman Cortez in 1520. California accounts for 90% of American wine production. I live down the street from a small “boutique” vineyard on only 10 acres. I have helped pick grapes during their Fall harvest and afterwards they have a wonderful outdoor dinner to celebrate. I added a loaf of bread and some cheese to my outdoorsy wine design. Cheers!

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  • Great Blue Heron - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile

    Great Blue Heron - Hand Painted Ceramic Tile


    This Great Blue Heron design ceramic tile depicts an elegant large bird which I have the honor to see frequenting my pond where he stands still for minutes on end until he plunges his beak into the water and catches an unsuspecting fish for his dinner.

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  • Sahuaro Cactus

    Sahuaro Cactus


    I lived in Tucson Arizona for many years and these magnificent tree-sized plants add a supernatural quality to the already "other worldly" landscape there. They are especially awesome to see at night when the moon casts shadows of them onto the desert floor.

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  • Yosemite Falls

    Yosemite Falls


    Yosemite Falls ALL TILES: *Can be hung on the wall as a painting or used for installation... *Can be used as a hot plate as the tiles are "fired" to 1800o F in our kiln *150 designs to choose from - all tiles are 6"x 6" *Are individually hand painted in the USA and are my own original designs so each tile is unique

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  • Swallowtail Butterfly - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Swallowtail Butterfly - Hand Painted Art Tile


    What I learned about Swallowtails is that they love my Butterfly Bushes I have in my garden. Also known as Buddleia bushes, they grow like a weed and have beautiful lavender colored bottle-brush like blooms. So of course I put my Swallowtail Butterfly atop a lavender Butterfly Bush in bloom.

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  • Crater Lake

    Crater Lake


    I was just at Crater Lake this Summer and the intense blue color is indescribable. It has no inlet or outlet only getting water from rain and snow and losing it through only evaporation.

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  • Penguin & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Penguin & Baby - Hand Painted Art Tile


    The Emperor Penguins are the tallest and heaviest of all penguins (4 foot tall and 50 -99 lbs). They are the only penguin who breeds during the Antarctic Winter. They trek up to 75 miles over ice to mate and feed their offspring. They withstand temperatures of -40o F and winds of 89mph. The male incubates the sole egg for two months straight without eating anything @ all while the female returns to the sea to feed. Both the male and female lose 60% of their body weight while raising their offspring. Their fuzzy chick is covered with silvery grey down feathers to keep him cozy!

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  • Parrot Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Parrot Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Parrot Fish - Hand Painted Art Tile

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  • Polar Bear - Hand Painted Art Tile

    Polar Bear - Hand Painted Art Tile


    Actually I must give credit to my son, Jeremy for this polar bear’s design. He drew this bear in class during high school as a proto-type for one he would be eventually carving out of soap stone. It was such a playful yet elegant design that I “borrowed” it from him. After all this is a family business and we all chip in! Due to climatic changes in the ice patterns up North the polar bear is currently listed as a threatened species.

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